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Knives and Forks
Knives and forks are listed in alphabetical order, all of them are for trade. Please send me a mail if you are interested in any of them.
Click on the name to display the picture
Aeroflot Fork from the 1990s
Air Ceylon silver Fork
Air France blue handle complete set
Air Holland Knife
Air Zaire Knife and Fork
America West Knife and Fork
American Airlines Fork
Ansett Knife
Braathens Knife, name on top
British Airways Knife and Fork, name in lower case characters
British Airways Knife, made by Atkinson
China Northwest Fork
City Air Knife and Fork
Continental Airlines Knife and Fork
Delta Airlines Knife and Fork
Eva Air Knife
Flying Tiger Knife
FrenchBlue Knife and Fork
Finnair Knife
Garuda Airlines old Knife and Fork
Mexicana Knife
National Airlines Knife and Fork
North Central Airlines Knife
Northwest Airlines Knife and Fork
Northwest Orient Knife
Northwest Orient Fork
Novair Knife and Fork
Piedmont large Knife (20.8 cm)
Royal Jordanian Airlines Fork
Sabena Fork
SAS Knife
Saudia Fork
Skyservice Knife
Spantax Knife
Sudan Airways Knife
Swissair Knife and Fork
TAM Fork grey plastic handle
TCA Knife and Fork
Thai Business Class Knife
Thai Knife and Fork
US Airways Fork
Western Airlines Knife and Fork
XL Airways UK Knife and Fork, marked XL.com
XL Airways UK Knife, marked XL